Alight at Night - Neon & Candlelight Creative Boudoir Photography

Artistic Evening Boudoir Sessions on 35mm Film

Candlelight Neon night time photography sessions ottawa-4.jpg

Creativity and color help brighten my winters

It was time to push myself once again and test new boundaries. This time my creative project was exploring what I could do with the dark windowless corner in the boudoir studio and test my shooting ability without natural lighting. Working with an Ottawa model named Sydney I think I created a studio offer that’s pretty freaking unique; retro film photography qualities combined with overly colorful highlights creates the dreamiest and most emotional shots.

This entire session was captured with my Nikon FM2 on kodak portra 800 35mm film. Isn’t it such a unique look? I can’t handle how well film can take these Neon colors!!

Candlelight awakens the soul

The second goal for this set was mastering and further exploring candlelight to create a feeling that is pure fire and strength. I’d say we nailed it.

If you’re ready to take on 2020 with fire in your soul, please reach out.

Discover the difference treating your body like art can make. 35mm film photography is a beautiful way to see your self.

I would love to help make you feel like art.

Kristin DavisOttawaComment